As Spring appears around the corner, now might be a great time for you to start practicing some Mindfulness skills. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, aware and living in the here-and-now. It allows us to notice, without judgement, what is going on around us and actively open our attention skills. It has been shown to help with a variety of things including stress, anxiety, depression and worry.
Many people struggle with rumination, worrying or feel like their bran is 'non-stop' and not able to switch off. Mindfulness is a great skill to help address these difficulties and allows us to have more control over how we focus our thinking.

Below are some ideas for how you can start exploring Mindfulness the next time you are out enjoying a walk or spending time in the garden...
Notice the warmth of the sunshine on your face.
Observe the spring bulbs making an appearance...really pay attention to the colours, smells, shapes, textures.
Feel the cool air in your nostrils as you breathe in and out.
Listen to the birds chirping, the rustle of the leaves beneath your feet, the sound of traffic passing you by.
Focusing in on our senses can be a helpful strategy to use when practicing Mindfulness.
For example, asking yourself "What are 3 things I can...."
* Hear * Touch
* See * Taste
* Feel
There are some great Apps that you can download to help you practice Mindfulness including Calm and Headspace. Many people find these really valuable in establishing more of a routine with practicing Mindfulness. Youtube also has a great selection of free guided Mindful Meditations.
So go on....why not give some of these ideas a go the next time you venture out!